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Thank you for your interest in a commissioned artwork!


I would be delighted to bring your vision to life. 

Getting Started 

  1. Choose a high-quality photo that you’d like to be referenced (feel free to send multiple references for multiple subjects).  

  2. Consider any changes you would like from the reference photo (e.g., remove an item or change its color).

  3. Consider what kind of background you would like—whether it be from the reference photo, another photo, or a solid colour. 

  4. Choose your preferred size from the list below.

  5. Fill in the Commission Request Form at the bottom of this page or send your information and reference photo to and we’ll be in touch!

Sizes and Prices 

  • The following sizes are based on standard paper and frame sizes. However, I'm happy to discuss other sizes with you!  

  • Prices increase with the number of subjects in a painting as numerous subjects require more resources and time to render. 

  • Landscape paintings are considered 1 subject.

sizes and prices chart.jpeg

A conditionally refundable deposit of 45% of the total cost is due before work commences.

Pricing is $4 per square inch for 1 subject. Each additional subject is an additional ¢25 per square inch.  

More info about payment terms, copyright, and delivery is available here.

All prices in CAD.  

Photography Tips for Pet and Animal Portraits 

  • Photos should be in focus at a high resolution. When zoomed in its ideal that I should be able to see individual hairs or details in the eyes.

  • Photos should be taken in natural lighting. Avoid using the flash or artificial lighting and taking photos where shadows may be cast on the subject. If it is a sunny day, avoid having the sun behind your subject. Bright but overcast days are ideal.

  • Photos should be taken at eye level with your pet, around a body length away from them. If the photo is too close this can warp their features which does not always translate well into a portrait. Also make sure you try and include the whole head/chest/body of your subject. I can always crop down the photo if need be.

  • Ultimately the decision is yours on what pose/expression you want from your animal as you know that certain personality they have and what portrays them best!

Here are some good examples:

If you are unsure on the quality and standard of your photos don't worry, please feel free to send as many as you like in their original file size and format and I will take a look and give guidance if need be.

Please send them to as an attachment or send to this email via

Thank you kindly for your interest and support!

Sizes and Prices

Commission Request

What would you like to have painted/drawn?
What size are you looking for?
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Discount is valid on all sizes, standard or custom, and will be applied to the first three (3) automotive commission requests I receive after the deposit is paid.

Sizing and pricing info is available here.  

Copyright, Payment & Delivery Info

Copyright: The Artist reserves the copyright to all works commissioned by the Client that are created by the Artist (including initial sketches), including all reproduction rights. No work may be reproduced or copied by the Client without the prior written approval of the Artist. The Artist retains the rights to display, promote, copy, and license the work they create. Payment Amounts: The fee is based upon the estimated time it will require, size and complexity of the completed work, and the cost of materials. The cost of framing and matting is additional. Payment Terms: A deposit of 45% of the total cost is required before work commences. Payment in full is due upon receipt of the artwork(s). - In the case that the Client does not wish to continue with the commission from the completion of the initial sketch: The Client is entitled to a refund of fifty percent (50%) of the deposit. - In the case that the Client has given payment and written instruction to the artist to proceed with the work after the initial sketch and recalls the commission before completion: The deposit will not be refunded to the Client. - In the case that the client wishes to cancel the commission after the given completion date: The deposit will not be refunded to the Client. The work will remain the property of the Artist who will retain the right to resell the work. Delivery: Unless otherwise agreed, the Artist will arrange the delivery of the artwork in a safe and cost-effective manner. The Client is responsible for the cost of said delivery. The Artist will notify the Client of this cost prior to shipping or delivery.

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